Thursday, March 28, 2013


Coleman's fish

"Please get me out of here."

Best buddies

The first week in March we went fishing. It was about time we did so. Jesse and I bought a fishing just a few months after we got married and we never even put it together or bought hooks until just recently. Not too far from where we live are some ponds that are stocked with fish from the fish hatchery near by. It's not my ideal of fishing, (I'm more of a drop-your-line-in-a-mountain-creek type of fisher) but it was still great and lots of fun with the boys. After getting all situated and figuring out how to put everything together just right we got started. It took us awhile to get the casting down and  when I say "we", I mean me. But once I got it and actually let the line sit out for longer than a minute and a half, I actually caught something! Cool thing was is Coleman happened to be on my lap so we can say that he caught it. After that, he was done and was much more interested in feeding the ducks. Emerson sat in the back pack for awhile but he wasn't too fond of that. Soon he was crawling around and it was all I could do to keep him from eating rocks. Soon Coleman was crawling around with him. It wasn't long before Jesse caught him a fish as well. It was a beautiful day and felt so good to be outside. We have been doing a lot together as a family since we've been in Nampa and I've really enjoyed it. That night I battered and cooked the fish up but they were NASTY! They tasted just like the dirty pond smelled. I learned my lesson on that one. Only eat fish from clear water.

Twenty Twelve Year Review

Twenty Twelve Year Review
The Beynon Family
Coleman started walking around the beginning of the year. Since then he’s been running. Jesse did student teaching in St. Anthony for seminary. He went to school full-time as well. I took a 1 credit course to finish up my Associate’s degree, and put intern hours in at Apple Tree Dental for my dental assisting certification. I am still working towards that. We helped brand calves in Almo in March and went to Colorado for Easter. Little baby Beynon grew and grew in mom’s tummy.


Jesse continued school full-time. He coached an AYSO soccer team for 7-8 year olds as well as worked on sets for the theatre department at school. He was very busy. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more in preparation for the baby. I also spent a lot of time with Coleman. We went outside as much as we could and went to story time at the library. Coleman started talking more and more. He loved going to the soccer games and would always take his own ball to kick around. He’s gotten quite good. Emerson was born on May 27 at 3:07 a.m. weighing in at 5 lbs. 7 oz. and 19 ¼ in. long. He was so little and precious. He’s still precious, just not so little. Jesse was put in the bishopric that same week. Coleman went to stay with Grandma Jones. When he got back, he wasn’t too sure what to think of his little brother. He was fine as long as the baby didn’t get too close. He warmed up pretty quickly. Now he wants Emerson to do everything with him.  In June, we had a couple of family reunions including one in Island Park. We had fun on the jet skis as always. Our last summer in Rexburg, we finally made it the Mesa Falls which was beautiful. We did a weeny roast in the middle of the woods with some friends. We also had a get together with friends at Beaver Dick Park, cooked hot dogs and s’mores, and went bridge jumping. (I’m not as brave as I once was. It took me a long time to jump.) It was a great time. My sister went through the temple in July and we blessed Emerson the following day. As always, we had great support from family. Jesse finished another semester of school.

Ward baseball party

                                                                         Run home!

Emerson - Brand spanking new 

                                                4th of July in Rexburg with our friends

Family bike ride in West Yellowstone. Emerson was only 6 weeks old. He and Coleman are in the little bike trailers  They both were covered in dirt afterward.

Hot dog roast at Beaver Dick park

August - September
With the 7 week break from school came a lot of fun and a lot of “busy”. It kicked off with my little sister, Melissa, getting married to her eternal companion in the Logan Temple on August 3rd. It was a beautiful day. We were happy, proud and excited for my sister as well as welcoming Justin to the family. This evened up the girl to guy ratio in the Jones family. We hit up both of their receptions that weekend and took off on Tuesday for Connecticut, leaving Coleman behind with my parents. We felt it might be a little too much with a 19 month old and a 2 month old and that we would have more of a vacation if we didn’t have to worry about losing Coleman in all the crowds. I missed him those 10 days, but I think we made the right decision.  We flew in to Hartford, CT and stayed with Jesse’s grandma Orcutt in Kensington, a town just outside of Hartford.  We met Darrin and Darcy there. In the next couple of days we went to a submarine museum, went the beach in Rhode Island and road a train into Boston. It was beautiful and much different from the West. This was my first time to the New England area and the East coast. Emerson was a champ and did a lot of sleeping in his little carrier. He did, however, have a blowout on the train ride back from Boston. I did a pretty good job of changing him and cleaning up on a super crowded train. J Jesse’s parents made it into town toward the weekend and we ate some amazing seafood at Lenny and Joe’s and had a lobster cookout at Grandma’s. What an experience to have a whole lobster to myself to crack and tear apart with those little black beady eyes looking at me the whole time. I enjoyed a few bites but I think I’ll stick to my steaks. The weekend brought Jesse’s cousin Joel’s wedding. We almost missed it due to Darrin’s phone, “Victoria’s”, misguided directions two different times. We made it by the skin of our teeth. The wedding took place in a beautiful church with amazing acoustics. We were able to witness this first hand as Jesse’s Uncle David, who is a professional singer in New York, sang a beautiful piece. Joel and Karen looked great and extremely happy. We partied it up that night at their reception with great food, pictures, drinking (only virgin drinks of course) and dancing. Many people often commented on Emerson and I soon realized that babies were not a common site to see as they are in Idaho and Utah. He was a little star back there.  We had so much fun with our family as we ate great food, saw amazing sites, played multiple games of Canasta and enjoyed the beach in our last days in CT. It was such a fun and neat experience.  When we got back to Salt Lake we made the drive to Burley, ID where my family was staying for the annual county fair.  We were reunited with our little man, Coleman. I missed that little guy so much! We watched the parade and my sisters show their steers and hit the road back to Rexburg.  Jesse started student teaching seminary at Madison seminary in Rexburg, by far his favorite class. September came and we made a trip down the Grand Junction for a weekend. School started and Jesse began his last semester at BYU-Idaho.

         Boston (Following pictures taken by Darcy Case)


Connecticut lobster feast

Grandma Orcutt
 My lobster


                                                                     Rhode Island

October – December

The next three months went by in a blur as we were busier than ever. I had my hands full with two little kids and a very active husband. Jesse played his last semester of competitive soccer with his cousin Matt. It was a cold season. We got almost a foot of snow in October. Jesse also had a role in an original play, Bielzy and Gottfried, on campus. He did great and again, we had great support from our family and friends. Jesse and I celebrated our happy 3 years together in October. Time flies. Jesse also turned 27. Don’t forget General Conference. We went to Almo to be with family and take family pictures. November came with many thanks. Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. We went to Colorado this year. We ran/jogged/walked a 5K. Coleman loved running and often would wander off the trail into the brush to explore. We were constantly coaxing him back on the trail. It brought to mind the gospel and how we often wander off the straight and narrow path. Many times it is our parents or loved ones who help guide us back. Anyway, Thanksgiving was great.  Darrin and Darcy hosted and the food was amazing and it was an all-around spiritual and thankful day. We ended the trip to Colorado with skeet shooting.  December brought a whole different kind of busy. Emerson cut his first two teeth. Jesse finished his classes at BYU-Idaho and we both walked in graduation commencement. It was so fun to do that together. Jesse’s parents and sister Bri and nephew LaKai came to Rexburg. It was fun to have them there. My parents and grandparents and Melissa and Justin also supported us. Since my parents were in town, we sent a bunch of stuff home with them to put in storage as we were moving in a week. The next week brought lots of packing and trying to keep Coleman and Emers content at the same time.  Emerson started crawling…perfect timing. All our belongings were packed up in my dad’s horse trailer and our car and we left our beloved home of Rexburg and the only home we knew since being married on the 22nd. We made our way to Nampa, ID. We unloaded, stayed two nights and made it to Almo on Christmas Eve. We had a great Christmas. It was fun to watch Coleman and Emerson together. Coleman turned two on the 26th, YIKES! Jesse left a few days after Christmas to sale home security systems for a week. My parents also left to go on their cruise. The boys and I stayed in Almo to hang out and keep my little sisters company. Emerson started pulling himself up to standing position on the furniture and even mastered crawling up two steps of the staircase. I was able to see a few friends, spend time with my grandparents, as well as go snowboarding for Melissa’s birthday. I have missed the slopes so much and it felt great to be up on the mountain. I look forward to doing that with Jesse and the boys in the future. In rolled the New Year. 2013 baby! We are back in Nampa, our new home while Jesse finishes up his degree with student teaching at Skyview High School as an English teacher. As I look back on the past year I think of how blessed we were to have had so many great experiences; many involving family as well as bringing a child into this world. The Lord’s hand has truly been in our lives and I’m grateful for it. I hope and pray this next year will be just as great with more growth, accomplishments and time with family.

Happy Halloween

Carving Pumpkins with Justin and Melissa

Just a few random pictures from 2012


My Family
Jesse's Family
